For those who haven’t yet heard, there is a new cannabis consumption format and it’s crazy discreet, convenient and effective! Introducing sublingual cannabis strips. There are currently two types of strips available in BC, 10 mg THC strips and 10 mg CBD strips, produced by Being, right here in Canada. These strips are made by micro ionizing cannabis oil that is then suspended in a thin dissolvable film. Consumption is as easy as placing the strip under your tongue and waiting for a couple of minutes while it dissolves. From speaking with other canna-enthusiasts and personal experience, onset is certainly quick across the board. Some claimed intoxication effects, when using the THC strips, within 15 minutes, while for others it was as quick as 90 seconds, wowza! There is no intoxication effect from consuming the CBD strips but your body is certainly absorbing this cannabinoid the same way the THC strips are absorbed. The effect lasts anywhere from 2-4 hours, depending on the individual.

Cannabis Cottage - Oral Strip

Sublingual absorption is an extremely efficient and the most bioavailable means of delivery today, since the cannabinoids do not have to pass through your digestive tract and can be absorbed directly into your bloodstream from the oral mucosa under your tongue. Also, the salivary gland region under your tongue is extremely permeable so molecules are readily absorbed there. Bioavailability refers to the ease with which your body absorbs and actually uses a molecule. If a molecule is damaged or tied up by other molecules before it has a chance to bind to its appropriate receptor, this lowers it’s bioavailability.

When cannabinoids are consumed orally (swallowed), they are subjected to the strongly acidic environment and digestive enzymes of your stomach. Here, delta-9-THC is converted to 11-hydroxy-THC which is more psychoactive and tends to exhibit very powerful highs that can be scary or overly intense, particularly for new canna-consumers. The effect from sublingual cannabinoids is more similar to that achieved through smoking or vaping cannabis due to the absence of 11-hydroxy-THC. Additionally, dosage control is more difficult and a bit of a patience game with edibles because it takes so long for them to be metabolized prior to feeling any effect.

Orally consumed cannabinoids must travel through your whole digestive system and then are filtered by your liver where some potency is lost, before finally reaching your bloodstream and ultimately your brain. It is a common mistake for newer consumers to not wait a sufficient length of time before taking more edibles, then, some hours later, they are way too high and uncomfortable. For this reason, edibles can scare people away from cannabis, especially if they’ve had one of these “ate too many edibles” experiences. The beauty of sublingual absorption is your onset is so much quicker since the cannabinoids travel directly into the bloodstream under your tongue and are then delivered quite quickly to the brain. For this reason, it is easier to determine if you’ve taken a suitable dose to achieve your desired effect, without having to wait hours or worry about how much you had for dinner.

With the simple placement of an oral strip under your tongue, there are no special accessories required, such as pipes, papers or other smokeware, as is the case when consuming by smoking or vaping. Also, lung damage or lingering odour due to smoke inhalation are not a concern with sublingual absorption, hence the ultra-discretion. These oral cannabis strips are a great invention and will expand consumption opportunities and experiences for the newly canna-curious and experienced cannabis users alike. ENJOY!


Thanks so much for this blog! I've been wanting to try these but have had a hard time getting any useful information about them so this was great.
Such a fascinating time we are living in that these sorts of products are becoming available. I wonder what will come next...

Good read, loads of information. This is pretty cool and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't curious! Very low-key in this form.

When can I buy?

We stock these sublingual strips at Cannabis Cottage, 385 Martin, Penticton :)

These are a great option for inconspicuous use. The THC ones effedt me very much like how smoking hits. I feel effects within 8-10 minutes and it lasts a few hours (2-4). It's nice.

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